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Johnny cake (2)

Een recept voor Johnny cake op rijm (in het Engels)


                                                a receipt in verse, by Bishop Williams. 


A forgetfull old bishop,

All broken to pieces,

Neglected to dish up

For one of his nieces

A receipt for “corn pone,”

The best ever known;

So he hastes to repair his sin of omission

And hopes that, in view of his shattered condition,

His suit for forgiveness he humbly may urge:

So here’s the receipt, and it comes from Lake George:


Take a cup of cornmeal,

(And the meal should be yellow);

Add a cup of wheat flour,

For to make the corn mellow;

Of sugar a cup, white or brown, at your pleasure,

(The color is nothing, the point is the measure).


And now comes a troublesome thing to indite,

For the rhyme and the reason they trouble me quite;

For after the sugar, the flour and the meal,

comes a cup of sour cream; but unless you should steal,

From your neighbors, I fear you will never be able

This item to put upon your cook’s table;

for “sure and indeed” in all towns I remember

Sour cream is as scarce as June bugs in December.


So here’s an alternative nicely contrived

Is suggested, your mind to relief,

and showing how you without stealing at all

the ground that seemed lost may retrieve.

Instead of soure cream take one cup of milk-

“sweet milk”- what a sweet phrase to utter!-

and to make it creamlike, put into the cup

just three tablespoonsfull of butter.


Cream of tartar, one teaspoonfull – rules dietetic!

How nearly I wrote it down “tartar emetic”!

But no, cream of tartar it is, without doubt,

and so the alternative makes itself out.

Of soda, the half of a teaspoonful add

or else your poor porn cake will go to the bad.

Two eggs must be broken without being beat;

then the salt, a teaspoonful your work will complete.

Twenty minutes of baking are needfull to bring

To the point of perfection this “awful good thing”.


To eat at the best, this remarkable cake,

You should fish all day long on the royal-named lake

With the bright water glancing in glorious light,

and beauties unnumbered unwildering your sight,

On mountain and lake, in water and sky;

And then, when the shadows fall down on from high,

Seek Sabbath Day Point as light fades away,

And end with this feast the angler’s long day.

Then, then you will find without any question

that an appetite honest waits on digestion.